Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tragedy in Connecticut

Well, there really are no words of consolation we can offer the folks in Connecticut.  These types of tragedies are becoming all too common in this country.  I'm not sure I have many words of wisdom on this topic.

I guess what I'd like to say is this, as men, let's not kid ourselves about how much time we invest in our children today.  I'm not talking about the time we spend at work to earn the money it takes to put a roof over their heads, food on their tables, and clothes on their backs.  I'm referring to the actual face to face time we spend with our children.  While it's essential that we provide these necessities for our children, it's an even greater necessity that we invest personal time with our children daily being their fathers.

I hear all of the arguments about gun control and greater school security and I understand the many sides to these arguments.  But the biggest impact we could have on our communities and country going forward is to put down some of the things we often think we deserve for all of our hard work and just spend time strengthening our relationships with our children.  Our children need us daily as fathers to mold them, to teach them, to disciple them.  Our children need us to listen to them and they also need us to teach them how to deal with adversity in life.

Please pray for the families in Connecticut.  Pray that God brings them peace, understanding, and forgiveness.  And please, be proactive with your beautiful children today.  Make time.  Sacrifice your time and just commit to giving them that time going forward.  As men, we can lead our communities and our country forward on this issue, but it starts one home at a time.

As Christmas approaches, it's a great time to make time with the kids.  Think back over your childhood.  Are your greatest memories really the things that were under the tree or are they of the special things you did with your family?  It's that time we spend together that makes us who we are, not the stuff we have in life.

Embrace your kids today guys.  If there is anything I can do to help you on your journey with this, just say the word!

Take some time with your little pumpkins today!

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